2 Zimmer Wohnung in bester Lage mit Balkon

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Telefon 0049 (0)30 2355120
Handy 001746051977

Mail office@fineandmine.de
Web www.fineandmine.de

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Please contact us stating your desired rental period.

Haven’t found the right real estate yet? fine and mine supports the quest of finding your dream property!

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Phone 0049 (0)30 2355120
Fax 0049 (0)30 23551299
Mail office@fineandmine.de
Web www.fineandmine.de

In der Karte wird nicht der exakte Standort der Immobilie angezeigt.

Weitere Eigenschaften

Floor 2 Number of Floors 4,0 Flat Number 39932 Additional Location Info Prenzlauer Berg Rent inc. Heating 1.600 € Damage / Security Deposit 1600,00 Rooms 2,0 Lavatories 1 Balconies 1 Living Rooms and Bedrooms 2 Level of Features Standard Firing Long-distance Heating Kitchen Fitted Kitchen Energy Pass Type Demand Energy Pass valid until 12-2028 Final Energy Requirement 84 kWh/(m²*a) Primary Energy Carrier FERN Energy Consumption Parameter (Heating) 84 kWh/(m²*a) Energy Efficiency Class C Energy Pass Issuing Date 03.12.2018 Energy Pass Year as from may 2014 Available from 07.03.2025 Available until 30.11.1999 Max. Number of Residents 4
Ronny Golle
Ronny Golle